

Jul 01, 2023

These Are the Easiest Fixes for the Worst Landlord Repairs

A “landlord special,” as it’s come to be known, is a repair done in the fastest and cheapest way possible in order to ready a unit for the next tenant. While shortcuts can be great in some cases, having a slap-dash job done on something you’ll have to look at and live with long-term can be annoying. This type of maintenance can lead to longer-term problems, too, when the space is being updated. Luckily, you don’t have to live with all the consequences of careless work. Here’s how to fix the worst landlord apartment repairs.

One of the most common features of a hastily maintained space is hardware that’s been painted over. In addition to being unappealing to look at, painted-over hinges and door hardware can cause latches to stick, making the door less functional. You can fix this issue yourself by removing the hardware and then stripping the paint. Using an old pot, you can set metal hardware like doorknobs, hinges, or latch parts in boiling water until the paint begins to bubble. Adding baking soda to the water can help the process along. Once the paint is loose, you can scrub the hardware with a stiff, plastic bristle brush to remove stubborn bits. Avoid using wire brushes or steel wool to scrub the paint off, as this can damage the surface of the hardware. Once the paint is removed, make sure to dry out the hardware thoroughly to avoid rust or discoloration.

Patching drywall can be effective if it’s done correctly. However, a careless patch on drywall can cause weak spots and unevenness in the wall. While this isn’t dangerous, it’s annoying, especially if you want to hang anything. If you have a failed or uneven patch in your wall board, you can address a small one with a patch kit. Although a patch kit might not instruct you to sand the surface, it’s a good idea to do so to blend the edges of the patch before you paint. For a larger hole in the wallboard, you can get a patch kit for up to a 16 by 16-inch area. It comes with a piece of pre-cut drywall and all the tools you will need to install it; if you want a really good result, though, a drill and oscillating tool will help.

Windows that are painted shut is a common occurrence if the paint is applied in a hurry. Rather than taping off the pieces or disassembling them and painting them separately, a coat or a few coats of paint applied directly to the window frames will make them impossible to open. You can separate the window sash from the frame by sliding a putty knife in between the frame and sill of the window and the sash that is stuck. If you live in an older building, make sure to wear a mask and keep control of any paint chips that occur while you’re doing this in case there’s lead paint present. You might need to make more than one pass with the putty knife to sever the dried paint, but the sash should be able to slide freely when you’re finished.

Caulk that isn’t applied correctly can be unsightly and difficult to clean. If the caulk is around windows, it can also mean that you’re letting in hot or cold air and moisture from outdoors. Removing and replacing caulk is a fairly simple job that you can do with a utility blade, some new caulk, and a bucket and sponge. Start by thoroughly cleaning the area as best you can to keep dust and other debris to a minimum. Then remove all of the old caulk with a knife. Apply the new caulk with an even bead, keeping the edges pressed against the surfaces to either side to get a good seal. When you’re using the caulk, keep a bucket and sponge ready, so that you can easily remove excess caulk before it dries.

Some janky repairs aren’t things you can fix yourself. Issues with the flooring, kitchen appliances, and bathroom fixtures aren’t likely to be DIY projects if you rent. In these cases, covering the awful quality of the job with a temporary solution like an area rug or some peel-and-stick wallpaper might be your best bet.